Thanks to a forty years’ settled business the company works as Personnel department for all the clients who chose strategically to carry in outsourcing Payroll processing. Each customer will rely on a qualified team that cooperates and compares regularly closed to qualified Consultants whose aim is to offer at any moment a punctual and relevant service. Our advisors have a strong propensity to the problem solving, to the assessment, to the reduction of costs and compliance to the deadlines. Thanks to the different internal skills, GAMM can manage all works concerning the managing of Personnel according to every customers’ needs ensuring at same time the maximum privacy.
Our services:
- Law enforcement
- Update and tabular changes ex CCNL (National collective Labour agreement)/company agreements
- Registry variations and personal wages
- Attendances: import or upload
- Processing operations at/Inps (Italian social : sickness/maternity) / L.104/various
- Handling of family allowances
- Processing at /Inail (national institute against accidents at work): Accidents
- Handling destination of TFR Severance pay / Inps cash
- Welfare management
- Inps – social contributions/remissions and cash payments
- Inps – Uni-Emens Forms
- Registration and handling of Social Security Funds
- Registration and handling of supplementary relief Funds
- Irpef – taxes, cash payments, ex 730 forms and tax deduction handling
- F24 Form – for taxes and contribution payment
- Bank lists to accredit salaries (through an import file)
- Payroll (LUL)
- Notify at Job office
- Hiring contract and privacy policy
- Changes, transformation, and extension letters
- Document of Social contribution regularity (Durc)
- Assistance and compiling of disabled statement at Job Office
- Opening of Inail/Inps positions
- Notification of accident
- Cu Form (ex Cud form) and telematic forwarding
- 770 Form and telematic forwarding
- Opening of Inail/Inps positions
- Inail Self- assessment
Other services available:
- Bank receipts to pay salaries
- Sending of pays lips to employees by email
- F24 Form – to pay social and tax contribution
- Budget of Staff
- Processing of costs /gross/ net
- Assistance and advice in benefit management